We rigorously collect and inform our prospective students about various study scholarship options available in the destination country & institution. We also make our students prepare & eligible for the scholarships with proper guidance and advice. We do provide study waiver options available. Please subscribe to our newsletter or blog or follow us on social media to keep you updated about various study scholarships and waiver options available. Better to book a free consultation with our certified study counselor to equip yourself with the relevant information & documentation.

Preparation: Getting study abroad scholarships is mainly dependent on two parties’ factors.

  1. Students’ Profile
  2. Provider’s conditions or criteria

So, you need to develop your own profile or qualifications based on your career goals or ambitions. You can develop in the following areas to get a study scholarship. Scholarship can be partial or full-bright. You need to focus on these following for scholarship.

  1. Academic Results & qualifications
  2. Professional experience (Job/entrepreneurial)
  3. Academic or societal research/thesis & publications
  4. Language Proficiency scores
  5. Admission exams scores
  6. Documents preparation
  7. Communication with faculty of the chosen university/department.
  8. Your goal alignment with the scholarship provider institutions
  9. Your country or community engagement or any other volunteerism with local or international organizations and extracurricular activities.
  10. Knowing all facts and timely application with all supporting documents.
  11. Always searching for options based on your profile, mind it, there may be some options based on your profile around the world, you need to explore the scholarship options regularly or continuously in different countries.